The Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ)

Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ) is a 65-item Likert instrument for measuring middle school students' attitudes on all Young Children's Computer Inventory subscales plus computer anxiety. The paired-comparisons portion of the Young Children's Computer Inventory is also included on the instrument. 

  • CAQ v5.14 4-point scale is recommended for grades 4-8.
  • CAQ v5.22 5-point version is available for high school use; includes all other areas on the CAQ plus a classroom E-mail subscale.

Studies using CAQ 

Knezek, G. and Christensen, R. (1997). Attitudes Toward Information Technology at Two Parochial Schools in North Texas. Denton, TX: Texas Center for Educational Technology.

Knezek, G. and Christensen, R. (1995).A Comparison of Two Computer Curricular Programs at a Texas Junior High School Using the Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ) Denton, TX: Texas Center for Educational Technology.


CAQ Internal Consistency Reliability


Table 2. Internal Consistency Reliability for 8-Factor Structure of the CAQ
Subscales Alpha No. of Variables  
F1 (Computer Importance) .82 7
F2 (Enjoyment) .82 9
F3 (Motivation) .80 9
F4 (Study Habits) .82 10
F5 (Empathy) .87 10
F6 (Creativity) .86 13
F7 (Anxiety) .84 8
F8 (Seclusion) .81 13


Internal consistency reliability for the paired comparisons portions of the  YCCI and CAQ are thought to be quite high. A circular triad analysis of 1993 paired comparisons data (n=210) at the University of Hawaii indicated reliabilities of .90 for Computer Preference, .89 for Computer Difficulty, and .92 for Computer Learning (Dunn-Rankin, 1982; Knezek & Miyashita, 1994). Since data from students in grades 4-8 was included in the 1993 analysis, it is probable that the numbers are appropriate for both elementary and middle school students.


CAQ - Recommended Administration Procedures

Classroom administration takes 15-20 minutes for a typical middle school class. Experience to date indicates that students have no difficulty completing the questionnaire without teacher assistance.


CAQ - Scoring Procedures

There are two different versions of the Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ v5.14 - 65 questions) and (CAQ v5.22 - 80 questions) each using Likert-type self-report questionnaire to be used with students in the fourth through eight grades. The CAQ is designed to measure attitudes (feelings toward a person, or thing) and prevailing attitudes (dispositions), rather than achievement. Students record their own perceptions of the extent to which they agree or disagree with each item, under the supervision of a teacher in the classroom environment, or a parent in the home.

Scoring Computer Attitude Questionnaire 

Computer Attitude Questionnaire 

Scoring Computer Attitude Questionnaire- CAQ 5.22

Computer Attitude Questionnaire- CAQ 5.22