Fab Lab Proposal


Although mathematical analysis and modeling are essential to engineering design, very few of the curricula or professional development initiatives reviewed by the committee used mathematics in ways that support modeling and analysis. Despite the paucity of mathematics in most curricula, the committee believes that K-12 engineering education could contribute to improvements in students' understanding and performance on certain areas of mathematics. For example, numerical manipulations required for measurements and analyses associated with engineering design may, through exposure and repetition, increase students' confidence in their mathematical abilities. In addition, specific concepts, such as ratio and proportion, fractions, and decimals, are useful for a variety of engineering design projects. Understanding these concepts is closely linked to success in algebra, which is a gatekeeper course for advancement in STEM education ... (p. 157)

The curriculum to be developed through this initiative will act on and implement the National Academy of Engineering recommendations.

Engineering engages students at many levels. It involves abstract concepts and visualization, but also involves problem-solving in the physical world. Students can create tools in response to authentic challenges. A Classroom FabLab can be used in similar ways to encourage scientific thinking and development of authentic engineering skills.

Figure 1. Fabrication of a three-dimensional model derived from a two- dimensional drawing illustrating conversion of linear motion to rotary motion.