NASA HEAT Evaluation: Researching Impact of Solar Eclipse on Learners and Educators

PTE Federal Award No: 80NSSC22K1356 Subaward No: NS357B-A 
Subward Proposal to Oregon State University STEM Education Center
IITTL/UNT will complemt Oregon State's evaluation activities focused primarily on being in the Arboretum on April 8, 2024 for the total solar eclipse and assessing tradiditonal evaluation measures. Such activities include a replication of study of the 2017 solar eclipse impact and gethering a samples of post eclipse STEM engagement surgeys.  

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Science Education Consortium

PR No.4200592826​ Grant Number: NNX16AL63A​ (2016-2021) 

IITTL/UNT and dozens of science education and technology partners nationwide are working with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center on a five-year mission to encourage interest in space science. UNT will provide formative and summative evaluation of the products/programs spawned through the STEM Innovation Lab at Goddard, vetted and refined in our Design Research Lab environment at UNT, and pilot-tested in informal learning environments to produce a sound and timely research base of demonstrated effects on knowledge of and interest in technology-infused activities related to Space Science. Publications demonstrating measurable effects will be produced.


simEquity: Improving Student Learning While Decreasing Bias in Teaching Through Simulation

NSF Research on Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning (RETTL) Award #2118849 (2021-2024)

The simEquity project, in collaboration with simSchool, aims to contribute to a more just and equitable society in the future by encouraging teachers to identify, reflect on and correct revealed biases. This three-year project will implement a scalable model for developing equitable, culturally responsive teaching practices through a simulated teaching environment. The outcomes of this project will identify best practices that can be implemented on a broad scale to help teachers recognize and mitigate the influence of implicit bias that often impacts student success. Bias reduction in teaching practices is a key foundation for enabling future leaders of society to achieve their highest innate and positively nurtured potential. The COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted disparities in learning and emphasized the importance of socio-emotional stability for the long-term well-being of students and teachers.