Christensen, R (2023) Year Two Report for the SimEquity Project: Changes in Student and Teacher Dispositions Regarding Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning. |
Christensen, R., Knezek, G., & Kelley, J. (2022). Using reflection and feedback in a simulated teaching environment to improve instruction for differentiated learners. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 726-730). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
Christensen, R., Hillaire, G., Marvez, G.R., Azukas, M.E., Holben, D.M., Gregory, S., & Ledger, S. (2022). Using virtual simulations in teacher education to develop equitable teaching strategies. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 484-488). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
Christensen, R., & Knezek, G. (2022). Using digital simulation to address implicit bias in teaching. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 477-483). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
Cristales, E. (2022). Simulated Classroom, Real Learning. North Texan. |
AI Learning Technology. Article in the UNT Research Magazine, 2022. |
Christensen, R., Kruse, S., & Knezek, G. (2021). Using simSchool to enhance simEquity for preservice and inservice teachers. In E. Langran & D. Rutledge (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 302-305). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Online: |