simEquity Activities

EdMedia Innovate Learning Conference, Brussels, Belgium July 2024


Outstanding Poster Award Winners:
Dr. Rhonda Christensen and Dr. Ottavia Trevisan 

Full Presentation

Full Presentation

Full Presentation

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference, Denver, CO June 2024


Full Presentation

Full Presentation

SITE Workshop Las Vegas, NV March 2024


In Person Meetings with simSchool Team and Focus Group with Byron Nelson Teachers July 17-19


EdMedia Innovate Learning (EDIL) Conference & Presentations Vienna, Austria July 10-14



ISTE Conference and Presentation June 24-27 2023

Using Simulation to Address Bias in Teaching Practices 
Presented by Rhonda Christensen and Gerald Knezek at ISTE Live June, 25 2023


Education Week Publication June 26, 2023

Can Classroom Simulators Help Teachers Improve Instruction?
An in depth interview with Dr. Rhonda Christensen and Dr. Gerald Knezek. 

Advisory Board Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana March 13, 2023 

NSF simEquity Overview 

EdMedia Conference New York, New York June 20-23

Poster Presentation at the EdMedia Conference: 
Using Reflection and Feedback in a Simulated Teaching Environment to
Improve Instruction for Differentiated Learners

Presented by:
Lead PI Rhonda Christensen
Co-PI Gerald Knezek 

STEM For All Video Showcase May 10-17

IITTL submitted the video Improving Teaching Practices by Reducing Bias to the 2022 STEM For All Video Show case. The video covers IITTL's work  with the SimEquity project and aims to contribute to a more just and equitable society in the future by encouraging teachers to identify, reflect on, and correct revealed biases.
 View IITTL's Video on the STEM For All Website.


SITE Conference San Diego, California April 10-15, 2022

Presentation to the Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE) 2022, San Diego California
Paper presentation: Using Digital Simulation to Address Implicit Bias in Teaching (Rhonda Christensen & Gerald Knezek, UNT)


Panel: Virtual simulations in Teacher Education to develop equitable teaching strategies (Rhonda Christensen (UNT), Garron Hillaire and G.R. Marvez (MIT), M. Elizabeth Azukas and Diane Holben (East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania), Sue Gregory (New England University, Australia) and Susan Ledger (University of Newcastle, Australia)


Advisory Board Meeting San Diego, California April 10,2022 

simEquity Advisory Board Members: Rhonda Christensen, David Collum, David Gibson, Ben Gonzalez, Gerald Knezek, Stacy Kruse, and Tandra Tyler-Wood



North Texan publication April 8,2022

Dr. Rhonda Christensen and Dr. Gerald Knezek were featured in the North Texan to discuss the work they are doing with the simEquity project.
View the full article: Simulated Classroom, Real Learning 


UNT Research Magazine publication March 22,2022

AI Learning Technology 
UNT Research Magazine spotlight featuring Dr. Rhonda Christensen and Gerald Knezek's work with the simEquity project. Full article can be found on page 7


Presentation at the SITE Interactive Online Conference September 26-28, 2021

View Full Playground Presentation 

View Paper